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Leadership | Potomac Believers Fellowship Church


Chuck Andrews

Chuck Andrews


This is a brief Bio for Chuck.

Fred Maxey

Fred Maxey


Hi, as an elder here at PBF I find it humbling to be given such a responsibility by God to assist in caring
for the spiritual health of this wonderful congregation. I have been attending PBF with my wife and
children and now my grandchildren since its first service in 1988. I am simply in awe in how God took
four families and grew it into the thriving church body it is today. A little about myself and my family. I
have been married to my amazing wife, Andrea, for over 30 years. She is truly my helpmate and best
friend. I have four wonderful children who all love the Lord Jesus Christ. I love to watch my
grandchildren learn about Jesus and develop a prayer life guided by their parents. I have a passion for
teaching from one-on-one to preaching, it brings me joy when someone finds a truth about the
character of God and can apply it to their life. Andrea and I also have a passion for missions and mission
work. We are missionaries in Uganda teaching about marriage and families and empowering indigenous
church workers to teach the same to their congregations. I have two favorite verses that I try to put into
practice every day. Proverbs 13:22, “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” And
Matthew 5:14,16 “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden… In the same way, let
your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

Steve Keller

Steve Keller


This is a brief Bio for Steve.

Josh Andrews

Josh Andrews


I was born into a Christian household and have been raised as a Christian my entire life. Like many born to such high standards of Christ-like living, I certainly struggled at times to meet the expectations that those around me had for me. It wasn’t until I was faced with the dessert as a young man that I really was able to experience God in a real way, as my own personal savior. It was there, with all the crutches that I had used to keep myself standing in the past gone, that I was able to listen for God’s voice and begin to build a personal relationship with my Creator.

Fast forward a few years, and I am still working (and only through God) on deepening that relationship. I have a wonderful wife, Amy, to whom I owe just about everything to, and three beautiful girls. I am involved in the media ministry, the praise team and whatever else God see’s fit for me to do here at PBF. I am truly blessed to be God’s servant and continue to strive to put others before myself as in the second have of Philippians 2:3 “Rather, in humility value others above yourselves”.

Bruce Dearing

Bruce Dearing


This is a brief Bio for Bruce.

John Gerstner

John Gerstner


This is a brief Bio for John.

Rob Koerts Meijer

Rob Koerts Meijer


Growing up in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in a Christian family I attended church on a regular basis,
was active in the choir and the youth group in the New Apostolic Church. I heard the message of the
Gospel and learned about Jesus Christ, but as I grew into adulthood I realized that something was
missing. All the people were nice and we had good times, but it was church, not much outside of it. I lost
interest and turned my back on God and church for many years. I spent a number of years travelling
and, over time ended up in the US, where I met my lovely wife of now almost 23 years, Dena. We had
two boys, Kaleb and Keanu, and started talking about bringing the boys up in church. We decided to see
if we could find one to attend and, lo and behold, ended up talking to our neighbors, who invited us to
come to PBF. Things were different here and soon we both realized what had been missing was a
personal relationship with God the Father. In the 14 years we have now attended and invested in PBF
the desire to serve our Father, in the name of His son, Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit,
became stronger. When I was asked to become a Deacon to serve the church body I gladly accepted.
Joshua 24:15 – “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day
whom you will serve, ….. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”

Bud Voss

Bud Voss


“Growing up in a Christian home and accepting the Lord at age ten, I became aware at a young
age that carrying out the Lord’s work would be no simple task. Finding out where you best fit
into God’s work plan is critically important for everyone. We should all strive to fulfill the
mandates given to us in 1 Corinthians 12. The Church is the place to accomplish that. Your
local church is the community in which you should participate to the fullest with the abilities and
gifts with which God has blessed you. PBF has been fertile ground in which to make effective
our individual gifts in fulfillment of the Church’s great commission to make disciples of all men.”
Robert (Bud) and his wife, Monica, have been married for 45 years and came into fellowship
with PBF in April 2009, having moved to Maryland from Pittsburgh, PA. Bud is a civil engineer
and land surveyor by occupation but is now retired. Bud and Monica have three grown children
and five grandchildren.

Prior to joining with PBF, Bud served as a deacon with Clinton Baptist Church, Clinton, NJ and
as an elder with the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church, Washington, NJ. Bud and Monica
were members of Bloomfield Baptist Church, Bloomfield, NJ, for many years. During his college
years, Bud was an active member of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.

Diana Wilner

Diana Wilner

Worship Leader

This is a brief Bio for Diana.

Monica Voss

Monica Voss


This is a brief Bio for Monica.